4 Mini Dental Implant Procedure FAQs

4 Mini Dental Implant Procedure FAQs | Scottsdale AZ Dentist

Are you looking to replace your missing teeth? You may have heard of dental implants, but are you familiar with the mini dental implant procedure? These are both great options for replacing missing teeth, but mini dental implants offer distinct benefits.

Our Scottsdale dentists, Dr. Seerat Mann and Dr. Todd Shatkin, would be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding mini dental implants. Please call our office today to schedule your free consultation.

Questions About the Mini Dental Implant Procedure

If you are interested in receiving mini dental implants, you may have a lot of questions. The following are the most frequently asked questions regarding the mini dental implant procedure. Please keep reading to get your questions answered. When you are ready to meet with a lawyer, please call our office today to schedule your free consultation.

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants are the leading solution for replacing missing teeth. Placing a mini dental implant involves attaching a small screw to the jawbone.

This part of the procedure should not be painful because the area is numbed, and your jawbone does not have pain receptors. Once the screw is implanted, a prosthetic tooth is placed. You can bite into an apple the same day you have a tooth replaced with a mini dental implant.

Am I a Good Candidate?

A great candidate for mini dental implants is someone who wants to replace one or more missing teeth but does not want to have a complex procedure or a bone graft. A great candidate is also looking to save money on their procedure and wants fast results.

You may want to consider alternative treatment options if you have diabetes, gum disease, a blood clotting disorder called hemophilia, or bone disease. If you can get your gum disease under control, you may be able to become a good candidate for the mini dental implant procedure.

What Are the Benefits of Mini Dental Implants?

Several differences between a traditional dental implant and a mini dental implant procedure highlight its benefits.

A dentist may have told you that you are either not a good candidate for a traditional dental implant, or you would need a bone graft in order for your jawbone to hold the screw. With mini dental implants, you do not have to have as much bone mass because the screw that is used is much smaller.

Compared to a traditional dental implant, mini dental implants are more affordable, which makes them better for your budget.

What is the Recovery for a Mini Dental Implant Procedure?

Recovering from a mini dental implant procedure usually does not take very long. You may want to avoid certain foods out of comfort, but your life won’t need to change all that much while you heal from the procedure.

Most patients are back to normal after a day or so. If you have any pain, it can typically be managed with OTC pain relievers as recommended by your dentist.

Financing Your Mini Dental Implant Procedure

This is a life-changing treatment that we believe should be accessible to everyone, and that is why we gladly offer financing options. You accept both in-house and out-of-house financing plans to make this treatment more budget-friendly.

We appreciate that not everyone is able to pay for their treatment outright. You can get the smile transformation you have been wanting when you finance your treatment with more affordable monthly payments.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Dr. Mann and Dr. Shatkin provide excellent tooth replacement treatments to their clients. If you are interested in the mini dental implant procedure, do not hesitate to reach out right away. Our Scottsdale dentists offer free consultations. Get your free consultation scheduled today.

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