Tooth Extractions in Scottsdale, AZ

When you have a dental issue, your dentist is going to do everything they can to restore and preserve your natural teeth. However, there are some instances in which a tooth is beyond repair, and extraction is the only viable option.

Fortunately, tooth extractions are a fairly simple process with a few different treatment options for replacing the tooth so you can eat, speak, and smile with confidence once again.

Dr. Seerat Mann, Dr. Todd Shatkin, and the team at Mini Dental Implants of America in Scottsdale provide tooth extractions to all of our patients who are looking to address significant damage, decay, or infection.

We’re dedicated to treating each procedure with care and compassion so that you can be as comfortable as possible on your road to regaining your smile. If you’d like to learn more about the tooth extraction procedure, continue reading for all you need to know.

What Are Tooth Extractions?

Tooth extractions are procedures in which a tooth is removed completely from the patient’s mouth.

Tooth Extraction in Scottsdale, AZ Tooth Removal Dentist

There are a variety of reasons why this may be necessary, but it’s most often done as a step in the process of replacing a tooth that has become significantly damaged or decayed or to remove a wisdom tooth that is impacted or does not fit in the patient’s mouth.

While it may seem like an unpleasant experience to have your tooth extracted, the process can be made a lot easier with the help of sedation dentistry. And once you’ve had your tooth pulled and you’re fully recovered, you will more than likely feel far more comfortable than you did prior to the procedure.

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

While having a tooth pulled is not an uncommon procedure at all, it’s generally the last option that your dentist will resort to once all other forms of treatment are deemed unsuitable.

Frequently, a filling, cap, crown, or another form of dental restoration will be the better solution, but there are instances where tooth extractions are unavoidable. Those instances are detailed below:

Significant Damage or Decay

There are many options for treating a tooth that has experienced damage or decay in order to restore both its form and function, but once the damage or decay has reached a certain point, you’re not going to be able to comfortably or safely maintain the natural tooth.

When this is the case, your best option is going to be a tooth extraction paired with some kind of tooth replacement, such as a dental bridge or dental implant.

Issues with Wisdom Teeth

Perhaps the most common reason for tooth extractions is an issue with your wisdom teeth. Some wisdom teeth will come in perfectly straight and fit comfortably in your mouth — other times, they become impacted or infected, or there is simply not enough room in your mouth for them.

When this happens, your dentist will likely suggest that you have the tooth or teeth extracted.

Preparing for Braces

Sometimes the best way to ensure that your braces will be able to fix any alignment issues with your teeth is to have one or more teeth extracted. Typically, this is only necessary when there are extra teeth in the patient’s mouth or overcrowding makes realignment impossible.

Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar build-up in the pockets between the tooth and gums and cause an infection.

In its early stages, gum disease symptoms are mild, and the issue is curable, but once it has become advanced enough, it can lead to bone loss which can result in a loosening of the teeth. In certain instances, the best possible treatment for this issue is tooth extraction.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

If you’ve recently learned that you’re going to need to have a tooth pulled, you may be feeling a little nervous about it. The truth is that the procedure is typically very quick, and it’ll be made much easier with the help of a local anesthetic and possibly some form of sedation.

Another thing that can make you feel a bit more at ease is knowing what to expect on the day of your appointment. That’s why we’ve detailed both the simple and surgical tooth extraction procedures below:

Simple Tooth Extractions

When the tooth that needs to be pulled is visible in your mouth, then you’re going to need a simple extraction. Simple tooth extractions involve the use of a local anesthetic to numb the area where the extraction will take place, and sometimes a sedative such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help you relax throughout the procedure.

Your dentist will then use special tools to loosen the tooth and carefully extract it from your mouth. After that, the area of the extraction will be cleaned and disinfected, and then your dentist may use sutures to close the opening and allow your gums to heal.

Surgical Tooth Extractions

When the tooth is not visible in your mouth, meaning it is impacted or has broken to the point where only the section in your gums remains, then a surgical extraction will be necessary.

This procedure requires your dentist to make an incision in the gum in order to access the tooth. Surgical extractions generally require both a local anesthetic and an IV sedative.

How Long Does a Tooth Extraction Take?

The time required to perform a successful tooth extraction will depend on the specifics of your particular issue and the type of extraction necessary.

If you’re only having a single tooth removed and the tooth is visible, then the whole procedure can take less than an hour and possibly only 20 minutes. If you need to have multiple teeth removed or if a surgical extraction is required, it can take multiple hours.

Tooth Extraction Recovery

You can expect to be recovering from your tooth extraction procedure for at least a few days. If you have multiple teeth extracted, it may be closer to a week or more. Your dentist will give you the full set of instructions for a speedy recovery, but you can expect to do the following in the days after your procedure:

Rest and Relax

This step is the most important aspect of your recovery. For at least the first 24 hours following your procedure, you’re going to want to take it easy so you can heal properly.

Ice to Reduce Swelling

You can expect the area around the extraction site to have some swelling. Icing your cheek in ten-minute intervals can help to bring it down a bit.

Avoid Certain Activities

You shouldn’t rinse your mouth or use a straw for the first 24 hours after your procedure, and you shouldn’t smoke at all during your recovery.

Rinse After 24 Hours

To help keep your mouth clean and free of food particles, you should regularly rinse with salt water once the first 24 hours have passed.

Soft Foods Only

For a day following the procedure, you should eat only soft foods such as yogurt and applesauce in order to avoid any interruptions in the healing process.

These precautions are an incomplete list, but they should give you a basic idea of what to expect from your tooth extraction recovery. If you’d like to know more, then reach out to your dentist.

In Need of a Tooth Extraction?

If you need to have a tooth removed, Mini Dental Implants of America in Scottsdale can help. Contact us today for your free consultation. We serve patients in ScottsdaleMesaTempePhoenix, and throughout the State of Arizona.