Teeth Whitening Treatment

Teeth Whitening Treatment Scottsdale Dentist Free Consultation

Do you wish your smile was brighter and more vibrant? You may have wondered if seeing a dentist for a teeth whitening treatment is better than the drugstore kits. Please keep reading to learn about the pros of getting your teeth professionally whitened. Then give our office a call to set up a free consultation.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

When you go to a dentist to get your teeth professionally whitened, you reduce your risk of inflaming your gums. You also can know that someone who does this on a regular basis is going to give you results that you cannot get at home. The whitening will be even. It will not involve ill-fitting trays that burn your gums. You won’t have to do the treatment over and over to get results.

Cons of Drugstore Teeth Whitening Kits

There are some very questionable teeth whitening kits that can cause you harm. If you have been searching online for kits to whiten your teeth at home, you might come across sketchy products that have not been tested for safety. They could be dangerous for your teeth, gums, and mouth. It is very important that you whiten your teeth as safely as possible. That often means opting for a dentist to do it professionally in their office.

Other Cosmetic Treatment We Provide

When people are interested in improving the appearance of their smiles, they are often open to other services that our cosmetic dentist provides.

We can give you permanently white teeth with veneers. Veneers are porcelain strips that get laid on top of your teeth to give you a fresh smile. They can fix small gaps between teeth, fix minor alignment issues, and most of all give you a bright set of white teeth.

See also  Veneers: Get a Better Smile

Call Our Scottsdale Dentist Today

When you are looking for a dentist to give you a brighter and healthier-looking smile, you can reach out to our Scottsdale dentist to schedule a teeth whitening treatment. Please give our office a call right away to set up a free consultation.

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